Friday, July 10, 2009

Are You Ready To Fight Your Addiction

Without wasting my time to research the statistics I would say that close to 95% of Americans suffer from some sort of addiction. Most people walk around without even realizing that they have one or truly want to admit they have something in common with someone who has or is suffering from a drug addiction.
So what makes any one addiction worse than the other? Some addictions CAN cause a more server affect on one's day to day activities, some endanger more individuals than the user, and some have a greater consequences to the users physical, mental, and inner health. An individual suffering from Addiction, regardless of their chosen poison, are trying to fill a void in their life. One addiction from the next is no different as to its reasoning. The proper definition for ADDICTION is the stat of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that it cessation causes serve trauma. Whatever the definition is we all suffer from it for one reason. We all use it to fulfill something that we think we are missing in our lives, whether you know whats missing or not. We all have some weakness or lack of feelings that have lead us down the road of entrapment. I speak from a great deal of experience and have beat many different addictions while also learning to use my addictions to benefit me. It may sound cray but at one point in my life my drug addiction almost killed and then later down the road, after 6 years of sobriety, my relapse saved my life. I was looked down upon and talked about during each of my drug induced time periods , but I still stand today without a single regret and proud of how far I have come, what I have learned, and all the crazy experiences I can share. I empowered by the times I have beat addiction, including nicotine, without the help of rehab or replacing one chemical for another.
For the ones that are suffering today, you have many options that are easily available.With that being said " It is what it Is" (my favorite slogan) meaning that fighting an addiction and being successful has to be an under lining inner desire. If your true meaning to accomplish sobriety is to please your loved ones, maybe you feel its the right thing to do but still want to get high, or to settle some legal issues then why stop now. I know that sounds horrible and half of society is probably appalled by that remark, but sobriety is not accomplished without true inner drive for the right reasons and you will only find yourself with a larger habit then you began with once you relapse. When you return to that lifestyle yourbody subconsciously feels the need to catch up for lost time. Many of you can relate if you have tried to quite smoking cigarettes. On the average most will have negative feedback and see it as another failure. Realistically if you are not a hundred percent in the game then you didn't give your all.. At that point you were suffering from what society calls A.D.D, your attention was else where and you were preoccupied. Never look at yourself as a failure!
Sucess is about trying something and when it does not work, you get up and try something new for the same goal. For every experience that did not have the outcome you expected or desired I guaranteed that you picked up something along the journey. If you gained knowledge, wisdom, or learned a lesson then you always took a step forward from the original starting line. You just took the scenic route or maybe just a detour. Remember it's not what happens along the way that determines your success or happiness its all about how you choose to handle it and perceive it.The first step in fighting addiction is do some cleaning from within. I am talking more about your soul verses the chemical cleansing. That will all follow once the impurities. misconceptions, and fears are released. From my own personal experience and from watching people fight addictions for the last 15 years, I have come to realize that the thing we all seem to be missing is different in each individual and nothings truly missing, it's all inside covered by our own insecurities. The hardest concept that we all have to face is that are lives are the exactly where we placed them to be. If your life is crap, reality is you, made it that way. It's your fault! I know that is harsh but you will never step forward with strength without TRUTH. Remember it is was you that decided your surroundings, the places you went, your home and social environments, and as an adult you can choose which family you exclude or do not exclude. It all comes back to your choices. Once you accept your screw ups and that the problems in your life were created by your own choices, you can begin to heal. You will also be able to focus on improvements instead of placing blame where blame does not belong.
Most of us fallen into to drugs and alcohol ultimately because we don't love ourselves. I don'tcare how much you succeed in life, if you do not love yourself eventually your world will come crashing down. The place to start this journey is learning to love yourself. This step can be accomplished by anyone that truly wants to seek a better life and not walk another day through the life they have already created.. I started by looking at things in a different light. I didn't know how to love myself nor did I feel I had any reason to especially where I had ended up. So instead I figured if loving myself would keep me from living the life I was walking through each day then I was determined to break the vicious downward spiral. I began telling myself that I loved myself, I was a good person, and that I deserve a better life. Now funny thing is, it took going in front of a mirror and looking myself dead in the eye and repeating those phrases. You have no idea how much I was laughed at and mocked.. The ones laughing are the one's who are no longer my friends and are suffering from self manipulation and mutilation. I said screw everybody and what they thought about me. Who gave them the right to tell me who I am. At that point I realized that being me is the one thing in this world that no one will ever be better at then me. I didn't need someone to dictate who I was or was not.Why did they have more of a deciding vote about my morals, thoughts, and actions, thats my decison. I started walking to me own beat in many different ways. It was not unnoticed and the more it was noticed the more it was envied and the less I was mocked. People would ask where and what I was doing. I just look at them,"I'm doing me!". "What's That" I would hear back. I would smile, sometimes shake my head and say"Whatever I Want. But you wouldn't understand cause your not me" What that did was take apart of my life and hold as my own.. It was just daily life but people say as something they could not explain, they could not share with me, and something they could not take from me. They weren't even sure what it was that sparked my fire but it was wanted... Then the games progressed with their jealousy and envy to break my smile, my strength, MY CONFIDENCE. The harder they tried the easier it got, the better I got, and It was more useful to keep smiling, keep telling myself my worth, and keep loving myself just to watch my so called friends ridicule me only out of disgust because they could not bring me down to their miserable level...MISERY ALWAYS LOVES COMPANY!!!
I brought you to where it begins in hopes that we can make the journey together and be successful. I have been there and know what it is like to be fighting this alone. I will try to stay ahead of the game and lend a helping hand, word, thought, or maybe a silly way to look at things that maybe slowing you down. Remember that 95% of Americans have an addiction, a small few will admit that they do and a smaller few will actually do something about it. It is a hard road especially without a good friend, so don't let that be an obstacle. Here is a safe place to find some help, comfort, and strength without being judged.. Who am I to say a word! I have been there and love to be the first to tell you about the times I fell flat on my face. I have always said that you may love me, you may hate me, but you will never forget me because I am JustUrDestiny.


Anonymous said...

This is all nonsense! U don't understand Addiction.. U were only addicted.. A real addict accepts their wrongdoings and dosent place the blame on others!

For other blog about all ur hardships... Sounds like U shouldnt get ur son back.. U seem to fancy the man that molested ur son, Sticking up for him and all. U just handed ur son to ur mom and went and got fucked up. Thats real responsible! Ur husband "stole" ur son probably b/c U were unfit! Writing about being clean and doing it r two different things.. U should proof read ur stories lots of repeditiveness, misspellings and Words used outa contex.. U would think u were high yammering on and on... Just my opinion!

Destiny said...

I find it very funny that you real addicts accept their wrong doings because through out the entire blog it is stated numerous times that the user has to come to terms that their addiction is their fault and that their problems are their fault. Now had you actually read through the blogs i openly admitted that my life took it turns because of my choices and no ones else. So I am sorry that you feel to show such negativity towards a blog that has already helped a few people to see life with a brighter onsight. This blog is about kindness and support so although i appreciate your opinion but seeing how you ared no other than my husband childlike girlfriend the opinion is not needed.. Please allow the people who can fully use this blog as strength have nothing but positive enlightment.. To the ones that do enjoy this blogg here is a perfect example of the individuals that try to bring you down. Funny story this comment above came from someone who has a full blwon addict sitting at home which is my husband. This is about love and strength. So Gina please if you want help to help your loveed ones youcan find it here but if you want to just cause pain please excuse yourself from any activity dealing with this site. Thank you

JustURDestiny said...

You see I will not battle you on my personal blog Gina Leonard.. I have no desire for your boyfriend it is not I that cancel the final hearings... Please let joy fill heart and your soul so much anger leads to your alcoholism and weed addiction... Don't worry honey my husband told me all about it.. I have been there and if you need a friend I will do my best to asisst you anyway possible..

Anonymous said...

Watch your Destiny
You have created

Watch what you've cerated
It's sometimes not what you want

Listen to what you want
Than MAYBE ur destiny will fit.

Destiny:course of events considered as something beyond human power or control

something that is to happen...

Pre determied.You do not decide in advance

Destiny=something that is to happen or has happened to a particular person or thing

You have been and Will Be your own...........,,

Unknown said...

a different type of addiction is being fought an that is internet addiction. As a subscriber of an Australian internet service provider, I need to make sure I guide my kids accordingly.